Why People Snore While Sleeping?

Snoring is a sound that produced because of the vibrating structure in the upper airway and mostly during sleeping. Some people consider that snoring is annoying because the person who sleeps next to you may not get soundless sleep. Snoring basically is not an illness; it is simply just a symptom. Think of it as a cough as a symptom of pneumonia and snoring is the symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. There are numbers of factors that cause a person to snore such as the mouth anatomy, allergies, cold, alcohol consumption, overweight, and other factors.

Man sleeping and snoring, overhead view   Original Filename: 91531328.jpg

The following is some factors why people snore while sleeping.

  1. The mouth anatomy – people with low and thick soft palate have higher possibility to narrow the airway. This case may be worse for overweight people because there are extra tissues on the back side of the throat. This condition further narrows down the airways. In addition, if the triangular tissue in the uvula or soft palate is elongated, it can obstruct the airflows which increase vibration.
  2. Consumption before bed – you may consume a bottle of two alcoholic drinks after a long day at work. Believe it or not, what you consume before bed may lead to snoring. Too much consumption of alcohol before bedtime especially can cause snoring. This is because alcohol relaxes the throat and tongue muscles, this makes the airway to collapse and causes snoring. If you want to stop snoring, better stop consumes alcohol before bedtime. Another thing to avoid before bedtime is the excessive smoking, sleeping pills, and heavy or spicy meals.
  3. Sleep deprivation – if the previous nights you do not get enough sleeping, chances are you will get worse snoring. This is because not getting sufficient sleep can lead to throat relaxation and make snoring worse.
  4. Nasal problems – people who have chronic nasal congestion or kind of crooked partition in between the nostrils can also lead to snoring problems. If you think your snort is because of nasal problems, it is better to seek professional help achieve a good quality of sleeping.
  5. Sleep positionsleep position may also contribute in snoring. It is commonly believed that sleeping on your back can cause the loudest and most frequent snort. This is because when sleeping on the back, the gravity affects the throat to narrows down the airways and thus, you snore more frequent. To avoid snoring because of sleep position, you can choose mattress which can provide you with the best sleep experience such as beds in Ireland.
  6. Sleep apnea – snoring can also be associated with obstructive sleep apnea. This is a serious condition when the throat tissue is half or completely blocked the airways and prevents you from breathing well. When you are unable to breathe well when sleeping, this can lead to snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea has the character of loud snoring and then followed with periods of silence when the breathing nearly stops or stops. The reduction of the breathing pause can be the sign that wakes you up with loud gasping sound or snort.

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Why Sleeping On Floor Is Good For Back?

Sleeping on the floor is a perfect method in order to offer spine support. The method of your sleep decides whether you will suffer from a backache or not. You have to consider that you have to sleep in the proper way.

One of the main factors, why back pain can be suffered by people, is the irregular posture that they sleep in. Sleeping is one of the activities that you have to spend around one-third of your life and for those of you who do not sleep in the proper posture, it is probably you will get a backache. You will probably think that getting a soft and comfortable mattress is the perfect way in order to support the spine.

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For those of you who have back, pain suffer think that getting and a sleeping on orthopedic mattresses that can make your back relax. Meanwhile, there are a couple of cases that soft mattresses cannot provide the support that should be required for your back. It will make your sleeping posture bad and the spine misalignments.

If you are still wondering that sleeping on the floor is for your back or spine, the answer is yes. There are a couple of advantages sleeping on the ground for your back because it offers support to your spine and you will be helped in order to keep your back straight while you are lying down. For those of you who have tried it, you probably feel beneficial for your backs and when you wake up you will feel better than before. It is a better way to sleep for you to lay on your back with stuff softer than the floor without a pillow. Your spine will be the good position if you sleep like this way.


For those of you who want to get comfortable on the floor, it is better for you to lie on the yoga mat which is a perfect choice. It will provide you the cushion which you will require in order to remain comfortable when it comes for you to lie on the floor while you are still having the support from your back from the ground beneath.

When it comes for you to sleep on the floor, it is perfect for you to sleep on your back in order to get the best outcomes. The factor for this is that this position offers your spine that perfect support which is needs. If you sleep on your stomach or your side, you will not find this benefit.

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Tightening of the hip flexors and the hamstrings is the result of the sleeping in the fetal position, or on your side for five or seven hours that can cause back pain. Meanwhile, for those of you are sleeping in this position, your pectoral muscles can also be tightened so that you upper-back will be suffered pain.

Sleeping on the floor will not be very comfortable in the first couple of times and you will probably want to sleep with a couple of pillows. Meanwhile, it is well recommended for you to sleep by using one pillow.

Why Is Side Sleeping Mostly Recommended By Doctors?

The position of your sleep in sometimes about the comfort, but in a couple of examples, your sleeping position will be crucial for your health. It is sometimes recommended for you to sleep on the left side on your body for women who pregnant, and also for people with a couple of other conditions.

Advantages of Left-Side Sleeping for Pregnant Women

Sleeping on your left side is sometimes recommended for pregnant women, particularly within the later trimesters. You have to consider that sleep in a couple of other positions is not particularly bad for your baby and for you, but left-side sleeping comes with a couple of advantages. Based on the Nemours Foundation, sleeping on the left side for pregnant women comes with a couple of advantages. This position will avoid the uterus from applying pressure to the liver that is the body right side. This position is perfect for circulation. This position enhances the blood flow to the kidneys, uterus, and fetus. This position takes pressure off the back that will alleviate typical back pain which is related to the pregnancy.

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Advantages of Sleeping on Left Side for People with Heartburn

For those of you who have heartburn, this sleeping position will be the perfect method in order to relief from a lot of symptoms. If you sleep on the left side, the position of your stomach is below the entrance to your stomach from the esophagus which is called the cardiac sphincter. Because heartburn symptoms are caused when the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus which is maintaining the cardiac sphincter that is located above the stomach will help avoid discomfort from heartburn. The nighttime symptoms of heartburn can also be prevented by sleeping with the head elevated.

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Snoring and Side Sleeping

Snoring is a problem that has commonly happened for a couple of reasons. Back sleeping is related with snoring as your tongue moves back into your throat, while you are on your back. Meanwhile, sleeping on your right or left side or on your stomach is well recommended in order to avoid snoring.

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Relieving Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain is two problems that have commonly happened which can be affected by the position of sleep. In a couple of cases, sleeping on right or left side or on the back will help alleviate neck and back pain. It is well recommended for you to use pillows or a couple of other sleep aids in order to keep the spine in normal position while you are sleeping.

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For those of you who suffer from heart failure or you have a heart attack, it is well recommended for you to sleep on your right side. Your heart rate and the blood pressure will be lowered by sleeping on the right side. There is a negative effect when sleeping on your left side on sympathetic nervous activity.

It will be healthier for your heart if you are sleeping on your right side. When you are lying on your right, the position of your heart is better.